
When to Use an Injection Hose in a Construction Joint?

The injection hose is designed for waterproofing the construction joint between the existing and the new construction. The hose can be filled with injection resin approximately 28 days after the concrete is cast. It is essential that the length of the injection hose contour does not exceed 10 meters. For more extended construction joints, the joint must be divided into several contours, less than 10 meters.​

For injection, it is essential to bring the start and end ends of the hose out of the structure for easy access. When installing, use only the connecting links and installation net intended for this purpose and choose either concrete screws or nail dowels for fixing.

The injection hose is a convenient backup solution combined with a metal sheet waterstop or expanding joint tape. If the installation of metal sheet waterstops was successful and there is no leakage, the hose remains unused. However, in the event of errors and leaks, it is possible to use a hose to introduce suitable injection resins into the construction joint and close the water leak. The hose can be used for injection even years later if problems have arisen due to building operation.

These methods - tapes, profiles, and hoses - are both alternatives to each other and additional ways to ensure waterproof concrete construction joints.

The more critical the waterproofing of an underground structure is, the more different concrete waterproofing methods are used to make the structure watertight.

WFP Injection Spider Duo (piece)
16,27 € 16,27 € 16.27 EUR
Injection Spider Duo
WFP Special Shutter Connector (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Special Shutter Connector
WFP Plastic Connector for Injection Hose (piece)
1,17 € 1,17 € 1.17 EUR
Plastic Connector for Injection Hose
WFP Ventilation Hose (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Grouting and Vent Hose
WFP Holding Grid Injection Hose (50 m)
110,94 € 110,94 € 110.94 EUR
Holding Grid for Injection Hoses
WFP Injection Hose ECO (50 m)
129,89 € 129,89 € 129.89000000000001 EUR
Universal PVC injection hose