The new construction object Mustamäe social building
A. H. Tammsaare tee 135, Mustamäe, Tallinn
Concrete casting of the floor slab of the Mustamäe social building

Vanalinna Ehitus OÜ Heidelberg Materials Betoon AS

The Tallinn Property Department is developing a service building in Mustamäe, featuring a social housing complex with additional service areas. The building also has an underground part where Primostar's White Tank waterproofing solution will be used.

Primostar is collaborating with the main contractor, Vanalinna Ehitus OÜ, concrete works contractor Betomont OÜ, and concrete supplier Heidelberg Materials Betoon AS

The developer of A. H. Tammsaare tee 135 is the Tallinna Linnavaraamet.

Thank you for the collaboration!

Phase II OF MARJAMÄE KODUD has begun!
Location: Astangu 50b/1, 50b/2, Haabersti, Tallinn