

If you want to pass a pipe or cable through a below-grade structure (wall-floor-ceiling), you can find KRASO penetration sleeves, sealing elements into the penetration sleeves and Doyma link seals in our selection for a reliable and according to norms and regulations implementation.

The KRASO product range includes several penetration sleeves, of which are the most popular among our customers Type FE/MI and BDF​.

KRASO Sealing Insert Universal DD + DD/T (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Pipe penetration seal
KRASO Sealing Insert Universal DD/M (piece)
90,19 € 90,19 € 90.19 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Sealing Insert Type ED + DD + VD (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
KRASO Sealing Insert Type SD 30 (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Sealing Insert Type GR (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
KRASO Sealing Insert Type TD-X (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Sealing Insert Type FIX (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Sealing Insert Type Blind ED + DD + VD (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Replaceable Sealing Insert - split - (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Foil Clamping Flange Type FKF DD/GR (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Foil Clamping Flange Type FKF Universal (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Plastic Flange Plate Type KFP - split - (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Plastic Flange Plate Type KFP (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Plastic Flange Plate Type KFP - multiple
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Multi-Flange Plate Type MFP (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO PU 50 (piece)
27,16 € 27,16 € 27.16 EUR
KRASO BKP - floor - 90 - complete - 5-fold (piece)
2165,82 € 2165,82 € 2165.82 EUR
KRASO System Sealing Insert KDS 150 (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai
KRASO Replaceable Sealing Insert KDS 150 - split - (piece)
0,00 € 0.0 EUR
Sandarinimo elementai